1065Social Media trends for 2023
Social media is a big deal. We’re all on it, we’ve grown up with it, and it’s changed the way we interact with each other — and ourselves. If you think social media has been a boon for narcissists, wait until everyone has an avatar that looks like them and speaks on their behalf. And if you thought TikTok was just another fad, wait until you see what happens when AI can mimic someone’s voice so accurately that even their friends don’t know! I’m sure there will be plenty more changes in 2023 (including some unexpected ones), but here are my predictions for how this all will play out over the next five years:
If you think social media has been a boon for narcissists, wait until everyone has an avatar that looks like them and speaks on their behalf.
If you think social media has been a boon for narcissists, wait until everyone has an avatar that looks like them and speaks on their behalf.
I’ve been working on this for years. You can already see the early stages of it with sites like Instagram and Snapchat—you can create your own avatar and interact with people online through it. A lot of people still use their real names on these sites, but there are enough fake profiles that anyone who knows how will be able to find an account using someone else’s name (or even just one letter off). I’m sure by 2023 there will be more sophisticated avatars available as well as more advanced AI software than what we have now, allowing anyone with an internet connection to have some kind of digital presence in cyberspace.
Facebook will be irrelevant by 2023 — except to the elderly.
Yes, you read that right: Facebook is going to be irrelevant by 2023. In fact, it’s already over for the social media platform. It’s losing users by the millions and that trend will only pick up speed as time goes on. People are tired of dealing with its privacy breaches and data mining, but they’re also abandoning the platform because there are all these new apps out there with better features and more fun content like TikTok or Instagram. Even older people who might still be loyal to their old friend Facebook have tried them out and don’t want to go back; once you’ve had a taste of something new and exciting, it’s hard to settle for second best!
In short: if your business relies on Facebook as a marketing tool then get ready for a rude awakening when you realize none of your customers care about seeing your posts anymore (if they ever did).
TikTok will be around longer than you think
You may have heard that TikTok is going to disappear and be replaced by a new name, but don’t worry—that’s not happening any time soon. The app is still growing and has become popular with all kinds of users.

It’s especially popular with younger users, who use it more frequently than older demographics. It’s also used heavily in China (where it originated), where 73% of internet users are active on the platform. And you can find TikTok everywhere—the most popular country outside of China is India, which has an average user base age of 29 years old.
Social media is here to stay but it may look quite a bit different by 2023
Social media is here to stay and will most likely look quite a bit different in 2023. It may become more personal, content-focused, and less about followers.
- Social media will be used for different things.
- Social media will be more about the user than it has been previously.
The social media landscape is constantly changing, and it will continue to do so in the future. As we’ve seen through this article, Facebook has lost its dominance as other platforms offer new features and experiences and more people move away from traditional forms of communication like email or phone calls. It’s important not to get too caught up in these trends because no one knows what tomorrow holds!